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Training sessions

The training for non-oral health care providers program

One of the challenges experienced in the oral health training program among MCH nurses in Kenya was lack of standardized training manual for this and other non-oral health care groups. The East Africa Dental project wishes therefore to partner with the Ministry of Health, Kenya to formulate a training manual on oral health care for non-oral health care providers. These training materials shall then be piloted using different approaches as agreed upon and later on policy guidelines shall then be issued with adoption of the materials for national use.

Aim and objectives

Expected outcomes


As a foregoing concern, the EADP will work closely with the MOH, Kenya to capacity build both
national and county oral health leads in all project prongs. All entry points will be through the
established MOH and County health system architecture. There shall be regular stakeholders’
engagement and stocktaking. Advocacy shall be continuous at both national and county levels
to ensure continuity beyond the lifetime of the project.

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